Michigan - A simulation of the city was opened in the northern part of the University of Michigan. The city is built specifically to test the car otonomos.

City named the M City, as reported by Bloomberg, is made as closely as possible with the modern urban, complete with all the mess. There are bottlenecks, to pedestrians who suddenly crossed.

Facility worth US $ 10 million has 40 pieces of the building, intersection, circular streets, bridges, tunnels, even gravel roads.

The investment comes from many sources, including automobile manufacturers are currently developing otonomos such as GM, Ford, Toyota, Nissan and Honda.

The simulated city be a good alternative to the test car otonomos or without a driver. So far, tests conducted on public roads, makes it no less bumping into people or other vehicles. In addition, the city can also be made according to the needs.

Then, if the car otonomos proved successful in M ​​City neighborhood, then testing on public roads become easier with a smaller risk of accidents.

M town itself has 3,000 units of connected cars on a city street Ann Arbor, Michigan, which is able to communicate with each other. This number is predicted to rise to 29 thousand the next five years.

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